the same way. The replyer can give her name and address IF she wants to and if not it can continue thru CONTACT until such time as one feels safe enough to deal directly. But ALL mail thru CONTACT must be 1) Unsealed, 2) Stamped, 3) include the $1.00 fee.
DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING! Why are there so few TV's willing to do something for the whole cause? There are some things YOU can do even if you don't know another TV and are alone, and you can do them safely. Every public library should have a copy of the "TV and WIFE”. Remember when you were hunting for information? Imagine a disturbed wife going into a library and finding a copy of "Male Madam" listed under Transvestism. Only you can guess what that would do to the domestic relations of an unknown sister at home? I've made the offer before send in the name and address of the library plus a brief note that you are donating the copy in the interest of public information. Sign it or not, real or false name as you wish and include $2.00 half the price - and I will mail it to the library. I'll even pay the 45c postage myself as my contribution. Public libraries should also include University and Medical School libraries.
In addition order some of the "Introduction to Transvestism" pamphlets at cost -.10 each. Send them to police, city attorneys, ministers, psychiatrists, marriage counselors, divorce attorneys, judges or ??? Anybody ought to be able to devote $2.00 to this cause and send 20 of these pamphlets around to influential people.
CLIPSHEET NO. 28 IS AVAILABLE. Yes, finally another Clipsheet is to be had. There are a further three in the hands of the printer and they will be out one at a time over the next 4 months so you can send in for one at $1.50 or 4 of them for $5.00 now.
SALES AND STYLING Friendly Understanding and Privacy for all TV's
Visit my shop when you are in New York 507 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 MU 2-1367